The October Haunted {SAS}sy Kit Pre-Order Deal
Check out this super fun October kit from {SAS}sy!

Also, since October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, {SAS}sy will donate $1 from every kit that is purchased to the Susan G. Koman Foundation.
I don't know about you, but I can't wait to get my hands on this baby!
What a YUMMY kit!! I would so LOVE to have this:)
hi Linda!
Love your blog, found it through bloghopping...... some great work here. If you have time would you like to have a go at one of my challenges or even become a follower of my sites to get all the latest updates and info.
Would love you to join us this month :)
ARTastic =
Inspiration this month comes from Vincent van Gogh's 'Starry Night'
From Screen 2 Scrap =
Inspiration this month comes from the movie poster 'Night at the Museum'
International scrappers welcome :)
So,.....don't forget to become a follower of my challenge blog sites, the more patronage I get the better and bigger the sponsors :)
Thanks and cheers
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